Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Sodium Floride is an Industrial Chemical, NOT the Naturally-Occuring Calcium Floride, & Creates Neurodevelopmental Disabilities > Latest publication in Medical Journal > Plus, another new study that proves fluoride calcifies our arteries & validates earlier reports that fluoride causes death for kidney patients!

Fluoride Officially Classified as a Neurotoxin in World’s Most Prestigious Medical Journal

Sept. 28, 2014

Above medical journal report weblink here:

The Lancet Neurology, Volume 13, Issue 3, Pages 330 - 338, March 2014
doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(13)70278-3Cite or Link Using DOI

Neurobehavioural effects of developmental toxicity

Dr Philippe Grandjean MD a b Corresponding AuthorEmail Address, Philip J Landrigan MD c


Neurodevelopmental disabilities, including autism, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, and other cognitive impairments, affect millions of children worldwide, and some diagnoses seem to be increasing in frequency. Industrial chemicals that injure the developing brain are among the known causes for this rise in prevalence. In 2006, we did a systematic review and identified five industrial chemicals as developmental neurotoxicants: lead, methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, arsenic, and toluene. Since 2006, epidemiological studies have documented six additional developmental neurotoxicants—manganese, fluoride, chlorpyrifos, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, tetrachloroethylene, and the polybrominated diphenyl ethers. We postulate that even more neurotoxicants remain undiscovered. To control the pandemic of developmental neurotoxicity, we propose a global prevention strategy. Untested chemicals should not be presumed to be safe to brain development, and chemicals in existing use and all new chemicals must therefore be tested for developmental neurotoxicity. To coordinate these efforts and to accelerate translation of science into prevention, we propose the urgent formation of a new international clearinghouse.

Fluoridated Water Can Calcify Arteries, Study Finds