October 11, 2011
Dear Citizen for Health,
By now you know that in July the FDA issued a guidance document mandated by passage of the food "safety" law earlier this year. This “Draft Guidance for Industry: Dietary Supplements: New Dietary Ingredient Notifications and Related Issues” makes it clear that the FDA is willfully and grossly misinterpreting the law, especially the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), regarding New Dietary Ingredients (NDIs) and filing submissions for them. After completing a sufficient strategic and political analysis of the guidance, last month we launched our action campaign so that we, together with our 100,000 supporters, can send a clear message to the FDA that the guidance is unacceptable.
We began with a call to the Senate and the House of Representatives to put pressure on the FDA to withdraw this so-called guidance. Thousands of you responded with messages to your elected representatives, and for that, we thank you.But there is much left to do. If this guidance is not withdrawn and its misinterpretation of law is backed by the FDA's own policy, review and enforcement powers, it would cause major disruption in the dietary supplement market; force a significant number of products off the shelves; and result in revenue losses of over a billion dollars and the unemployment of over 100,000 Americans. Read more here.
Today we moved forward with the next stage of the campaign and submitted comments to the FDA under the Citizens for Health name. You can read those comments here.
However, we need your help to have the kind of impact that will make the FDA withdraw the guidance.
Please click here to send your comments opposing the NDI Guidance now.
The comment period ends December 2, so act quickly and feel free to borrow from our submission. And be sure to keep an eye out for further developments in this critical campaign.
As always, thanks for your participation,
The Citizens for Health Team
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