Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ - Published in Federal Gov't Journal
http://www.marketwatch.com/story/harvard-study-finds-fluoride-lowers-iq-published-in-federal-govt-journal-2012-07-24NEW YORK, July 24, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Harvard University researchers' review of fluoride/brain studies concludes "our results support the possibility of adverse effects of fluoride exposures on children's neurodevelopment." It was published online July 20 in Environmental Health Perspectives, a US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences' journal (1), reports the NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF)
"The children in high fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ than those who lived in low fluoride areas," write Choi et al.
Further, the EPA says fluoride is a chemical "with substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity."
A new study from our own nation's Harvard University proving fluoride lowers IQ! The prior study coming to us from China with the same conclusion somehow got denied a lot by the pro-fluoride group. Now with another study, in our own country, that should make it harder to refute fluoride is harmful, right? In spite of having truth one more time, in anticipation of the Harvard study being published, here's the ADA's website giving 5 "strategies" (can you spell "worried?") on how their fluoride-followers can protect fluoride since 43 states across the nation are debating fluoride being in their water:
The state of fluoridation
After 67 years, challenges continue across nation
July 16, 2012
Sound strategies to help protect fluoridation
There are a few simple steps individual dentists, dental societies and oral health coalitions can take to help protect fluoridation for residents in their communities, said Dr. John Hanck, chair of the National Fluoridation Advisory Committee and member of the ADA Council on Access, Prevention and Interprofessional Relations:
• Read your annual Water Quality Report—Water systems are required to provide their customers with this report, sometimes called the Consumer Confidence Report, by July 1 of each year. The reports, which detail quality and content of water, may be mailed to consumers’ homes (often with the water bill), published in local newspapers or posted online. Dental professionals should review the report to check the level of fluoride in the water.
• Know your policymakers—It’s easier to meet a fluoridation challenge head on when you are familiar with those who make decisions in your community and have already established a relationship of trust and mutual respect.
• Work with the local or state oral health coalition—Dentists who work with dental hygienists and dental assistants, physicians, nurses, public health officials and other individuals and groups in the community can show policymakers and the public that fluoridation has broad-based support and endorsement.
• Tour your local water plant—Seeing how the water plant operates and getting to know its personnel builds bridges and opens lines of communication and education with the water system, policymakers and the public.
• Use ADA and other fluoridation resources—From the ADA’s comprehensive Fluoridation Facts booklet (available at ada.org/4378.aspx), to links for information from dozens of other respected organizations on fluoridation, visit ADA.org/fluoride. The ADA also offers personalized help for communities facing hearings, ballot initiatives or other measures where fluoridation is an issue. The ADA Councils on Communications and Access, Prevention and Interprofessional Relations have created a new resource kit for dental societies. Fluoridation: Tap In To Your Health, will be available in late July. Watch upcoming issues of the ADA News for more information. For more information, contact Jane McGinley, manager, Fluoridation and Preventive Health Activities for the ADA Council on Access, Prevention and Interprofessional Relations, at mcginleyj@ada.org or call toll free, Ext. 2862
Dr. Hanck |
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