Milwaukee lowers fluoridation level and will advise parents about infant formula
Friday, August 03, 2012 (emphasis added below on key points)Learn more:
(NaturalNews) Milwaukee alderman Jim Bohl wanted to stop fluoridation in his city. But he had to settle for a compromise. The city's aldermen recently voted to reduce the fluoride level from 1.1 to .7 parts per million. .7ppm is the proposed lower level for fluoridation from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services...
"The CDC admitted that this large dose of fluoride has no evidence of benefit, but it does increase fluorosis risk..."
"The CDC admitted that this large dose of fluoride has no evidence of benefit, but it does increase fluorosis risk..."
"In 1971, 30 local doctors reported illness from Milwaukee tap water. Patients suffered from a variety of skin, bowel, kidney, and nervous disorders as well as tiredness, headache, vomiting, and excessive thirst. In all cases, the illnesses went away when the patients stopped drinking the fluoridated tap water and switched to non-fluoridated water. At the time, Wisconsin fluoridation supporters and public health officials said nothing about this report. An estimated one percent of the general population is so sensitive to fluoride that fluoridated tap water makes them sick with allergic type reactions. These people often suffer for years until they figure out what is causing their problems...
"About a month after the Milwaukee doctors reported fluoride illness in 1971, a publication of the American Dental Association called the Dental News wrote "There is no evidence that fluorides in community water supplies causes allergic reactions, the American Academy of Allergy reported to the federal government."
"Some time earlier the U.S. public health service (forerunner of the CDC) had contacted 11 allergists, and apparently gave them limited and selected references on the issue and asked their opinion. None of the allergists had carried out any research on the subject. According to George Walbott, an expert allergist who had done extensive published research on fluoride:
"About a month after the Milwaukee doctors reported fluoride illness in 1971, a publication of the American Dental Association called the Dental News wrote "There is no evidence that fluorides in community water supplies causes allergic reactions, the American Academy of Allergy reported to the federal government."
"Some time earlier the U.S. public health service (forerunner of the CDC) had contacted 11 allergists, and apparently gave them limited and selected references on the issue and asked their opinion. None of the allergists had carried out any research on the subject. According to George Walbott, an expert allergist who had done extensive published research on fluoride:
"The release in the ADA Dental News is typical of the manner in which other resolutions and endorsements of fluoridation have been obtained: Scientists, competent in their own area but with no personal knowledge of the subject of fluoride are asked to express an opinion whereas those with valid information who have made extensive studies are bypassed. Propagation of the statement of the 11 members by the ADA constitutes a step backwards in the search for truth and in the genuine scientific evaluation of the effect of fluoridation on humans."
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