Monday, November 5, 2012

Senators Durbin, Blumenthal "Deeply Concerned" about Poor Manufacturing Standards (of dietary supplements)

Hospital Errors Kill Well Over 180,000 Americans Annually – Why are Super-Safe Supplements and Natural Health Under Attack?
Dr. Mercola, M.D. and D.O.
November 5, 2012
When Consumer Reports speaks, people listen – and this time the consumer advocacy agency is advising you on where to get your care – or not – if you need to go to the hospital. It's the first time Consumer Reports has investigated hospital safety,1 and the results show hospital ratings don't always match public opinions. Some of the most well-known hospitals got the worst ratings...

Story at-a-glance

  • Consumer Reports' investigation into hospital safety shows some of the most well-known hospitals received the worst ratings. Sacred Heart of Chicago was ranked the most dangerous in the country. A clinic in Billings, Montana was ranked the safest, based on six criteria, including hospital-acquired infections, over-treatment, and death rates
  • More than 2.25 million Americans will likely die from medical harm in this decade – the equivalent of wiping out the entire populations of North Dakota, Rhode Island, and Vermont
  • Recent data from the UK shows that compared to supplements, you are 900 times more likely to die from food poisoning, and 300,000 times more likely to die from a preventable medical injury during a hospital stay in the UK
  • Adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs are 62,000 times more likely to kill you than nutritional supplements
  • Senators Durbin and Richard Blumenthal have sent letters to three natural and herbal products organizations, stating they are “deeply concerned about the poor manufacturing standards that expose consumers to potentially serious health risks.” The Senators have requested information about the “industry's plans for improving the successful adoption of current manufacturing practices”

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