International Academy of Biological Dentistry & Medicine:
Dentists and Physicians Urge You to Vote NO on Water Fluoridation
The International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine (IABDM) recommends a NO vote on mandated water fluoridation in Portland.

Fluoride in the public water supply poses risks for infants and small children. Fluoride has the potential to cause damage because of its toxicity to multiple organ systems, including the kidneys, the endocrine and skeletal systems and even the brain. The American Dental Association cautions against making babies’ formulas from tap water. Yet with fluoridation, that certainly will happen.
Fluoride in the public water supply is not dosed for individual patients. Some individuals may ingest more water due to warmer climates, work conditions or athletic events. But if that water is fluoridated, their dosage of fluoride cannot be effectively monitored. As a result, they will be ingesting larger undosed amounts of fluoride, increasing their potential for damaging side effects. We know that children frequently should not be given the same size dosage as adults.
Yet when the public water supply is fluoridated, any small child could receive the same dose of fluoride as a full-grown adult.
The commendable goal of prevention should be advanced by effective routes, not by fluoride. When the public water supply is fluoridated, fluoride is taken into the body systemically when people drink water. Fluoride taken systemically has little to no effect in decreasing tooth decay.
As health professionals, we favor effective national and community efforts for cavity prevention; for example, a campaign for children to reduce sugar intake would have demonstrable effects on cavity reduction.
A “no” vote is a vote for the health of infants and small children…for the right to make our own health decisions…and for effective cavity prevention programs.
Fluoridation: Forced Medication Without Representation
By admin on April 4, 2013 in Fluoride
Next month, the citizens of Portland will vote on whether they want fluoride added to their water or not – a referendum effort launched last year after the city council voted unanimously for fluoridation. The ballot measure is opposed by Sierra Club and other environmental groups.
According to Portland TV station KATU,
The groups contend that adding fluoride to water would harm people and aquatic life, and outweigh any benefits to dental health.
“Sierra Club opposes fluoridation because it would degrade some of the purest drinking water in the world,” said Antonia Giedwoyn, a spokeswoman for the local chapter of the SierrClub, the nation’s largest environmental organization. “Kids are already bombarded with multiple toxins from plastics, pesticides and air pollution.”
It is also opposed by the
International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine.
As a past president and current board member of the organization, Dr. Glaros shares some of his thought points on fluoridation of public water supplies:
- Is it ethical to mandate pharmaceutical products on a city, taking away its citizens’ free choice? Is Big Brother wanting to take care of you because you can’t figure out how to add fluoride to your own water if you really want it in there? The pro-fluoride position that individuals can take the fluoride out of their water if they choose is preposterous. Fluoridation is forced medication without representation.
- If it were ethical, is it a good idea? Do the potential benefits exceed the possible risks? The only possible benefit is that fluoride may offer a reduction of tooth decay, although this is a point still under debate and far from universally accepted.
- It is my understanding that the EPA, ADA and AMA all support fluoridated public water supplies. How is this an acceptable position when those same organizations – along with the National Academies of Science and the American Academy of Pediatrics – all agree that the amount of fluoride a baby receives from formula made with fluoridated tap exceeds the amount known to cause harm? Who is being protected here?
• Fluoride has been shown to increase the risk of hip fractures 20 to 40%. Studies show that it also increases the risk of heart disease and the risk of bone fracture in young men. (1)
• Sodium fluoride has been linked to bone pain, back stiffness, osteoporosis, bone fractures, immune deficiency, and cancer. (2)
• Sodium fluoride can accumulate in a child’s developing brain and reduce IQ and contribute to behavioral disorders. (3)
- Our Environmental Protection Agency has taken some interesting (some would say outrageous) actions against their own – including a senior science advisor who spoke up against the EPA’s fudging one of their own studies to obscure its finding fluoride to be a probable human carcinogen. Meantime, Health and Human Services has advised that fluoridation levels be cut back sharply for the sake of children’s health.
- The benefits are questionable and quite modest compared to the risks associated. A relatively safe dose for every user of public water in Portland is called for, yet impossible. Just because a practice is common does not make it ethical or reasonable.
This May,
writes Oregon activist Carla Hanson, “Portlanders will be asked to decide for most Metro-area citizens whether or not to put fluorosilicic acid in our Bull Run water supply.”
Pro-fluoride messaging experts know that if Portlanders open the door ever so slightly to the reality that there are esteemed scientists and academic study supporting the anti-fluoridation position, the truths therein will not only cast reasonable doubt on their panacea, but expose it as potentially harmful to many of our neighbors, as well as the environment.
ANY compound that is powerful enough to have a desired effect on a part of the body may well have corresponding negative effects which must be weighed and considered. Usually this is assessed by a doctor and pharmacist. This May, the pro-fluoride forces are asking Portland voters to make that medical decision for our neighbors.
* * *
This vote is not about some perfunctory rubber-stamp of a no-brainer position. The pro-fluoride campaign is asking Portland voters to make an extremely serious commitment to sacrifice a portion of our population and potentially damage the environment for intended benefits that could instead be achieved through better alternatives targeted at those most in need.
Measure 26-151 will be on Portland’s May 21 ballot.
Men of science have spoken passionately against fluoride and fluoridation. Phillipe Grandjean has remarked on the lack of good studies on fluoride’s affect on the brain. (though we’ve been putting it in the water for 68 years) Dean Burk called it public murder on a grand scale after heading a department at the American Cancer society and studying and working there for 34 years on groundbreaking lifesaving research. Aarvid Caarlson winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize in medicine advised the government of Sweden and recommends pharmacologically active substances not be added to the environment. nor medication given to the public instead of the individual. He called it obsolete. Toxic waste should not be diluted then dumped into the ground and the waterways (through mopping sprinklers, toilets, baths, and washing) and it certainly shouldn’t be used to grow food, prepare food, be in most beverages and in one of life’s necessities. Most of the world has stopped doing this. The United States is far lower on the list of countries when arranged by lifespan. More people get fluoridated water in the United States than the rest of the world combined. It may be good for teeth at 1-3mg per day, but the dosage you get is probably higher. It affects the thyroid, the pineal, the brain, the kidneys, and the bones. Studies related to these organs at dosages common after fluoridation do not exist. That is why you are told so frequently that fluoridation is safe. Why are there no studies of this nature after 68 years of fluoridation? This is about more than just teeth. Men of science speak against this, but to find anything for it one must turn to agencies, organizations, and bureaucracies.
ReplyDeleteThere is fluoride in most food:
from the USDA
While daily intake of 1–3 mg of fluoride prevents dental caries, long-term exposure to higher amounts may have deleterious effects on tooth enamel and bone. from the world health organization.
“according to clinical research, the fluoride dose capable of reducing thyroid function was notably low-just 2-5 mg per day over several months” (Galetti & Joyce 1958) “this dose is well within the range (1.6 to 6.6 mg/day) of what individuals living in fluoridated communities are now estimated to receive on a daily basis.”
But don’t take my word for it. Read it yourself. It’s out there. If you are only skeptical about that which you are uncertain you are not using skepticism properly. Take out your beliefs and give them an airing out on occasion.