Thursday, May 30, 2013

Excellent article about all the behind-the-scenes in Portland's anti-fluoride victory...but it's not over yet...state legislators trying to override the Portland vote! Plus, it's been exposed that the pro-fluoride group opposed and SHUT DOWN free dental clinics helping the poor with their cavities prior to this campaign to "save the poor with fluoride"...

Rebel Portland: Clean Water Warriors Claim Victory

by  • May 24, 2013 [with campaign pictures during the May voting]

"...We’ve proven that throwing more money into politics is no promise of power, that with enough passion and legwork, grassroots operators can crush city hall.

"Sometimes the good guys do win.

"The fight to protect Bull Run fresh water is not over.  Already, there is talk of Oregon state politicians plotting whether to challenge the will of the people with legislation in Salem that would nullify Portland’s voters choice on fluoridation.

"Let them try.  There is now a network of ecologically conscious and politically networked activists in this city capable of stopping big-business interests cold.

"As the Tribune pointed out, there are two city commissioners up for reelection who claimed their support of fluoridation would not hurt them.  Now, they have something to be afraid of.

"We know how to win.  See you in the streets."

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