Referenda 'will not end the battle over fluoridation'
Wednesday, 9 October, 2013
"...A referendum is only valid if voters have full and balanced factual information. The DHBs’ propaganda campaigns have ensured they do not. Not just the specific campaigns, but 50 years of disinformation.
"We have seen totally biased media like the Waikato Times print profluoride propaganda endlessly while ignoring the facts presented against fluoridation..."
3 Ways That Big Brother Is Secretly Stuffing You With Vitamins
[1. fluoride 2. iodized salt 3. wonder bread are the 3 items this pro-fluoride article covers as "vitamins" helping our health -- you read it and decide]
hrs ago | Posted by: nyscof
Despite Fluoridation, Dental Costs Rise
Full story:
{Sidebar: website requires membership}
Average annual out-of-pocket costs for dental services in the U.S. rose 26%
from 1996 to 2010, and more people, especially children, turned to federal
programs for dental care, according to a new report.
Science! / Portland / News City Club Bravely Attempts to Bridge Fluoridation Rhetoric Gap
"...There are good people who believe perfectly the opposite of what we did," volunteer KC Hanson said to some fanfare at the Clean Water Portland party. "As a community, as Portland, we need to come together. I know you guys will..."
Science! / Portland / News City Club Bravely Attempts to Bridge Fluoridation Rhetoric Gap
Posted by Denis C. Theriault on Wed, Oct 9, 2013
"...There are good people who believe perfectly the opposite of what we did," volunteer KC Hanson said to some fanfare at the Clean Water Portland party. "As a community, as Portland, we need to come together. I know you guys will..."
From City Club's statement:
“What excited us most about the campaign was the enthusiasm on all sides of the issue for a solution to Portland’s dental health problems,” said Nichole Maher, President Northwest Health Foundation. “After the election it was clear there were many areas in which the anti-side was actually an ally. It just made sense to reach out and combine forces.”
The task force will study the most workable solutions for improving dental health outcomes for children in Multnomah County. It will examine proven community-based strategies that have improved dental health in other cities. Following the findings of the report, the task force will develop a set of recommendations.
"I truly appreciate the willingness to come together, and find a common purpose, in spite of our being on opposite sides of the debate,” said Deutsch. “In the end, we are working toward the same goal, a healthier Portland. I'm thankful for the opportunity to be part of this collaboration."

Environmentalists got outspent three to one from essentially an unlimited swath of difficult to trace corporate cash and passthrough donations and they still get criticized for a relatively small amount of "out of state money" that "fueled the campaign". Good one Denis. The amount of volunteer effort on the CWP campaign was the real fuel and the vast amount of paid "fuel" was local. You should honestly issue a retraction for such misleading propaganda. The largest donor of CWP wasn't able to dwarf the campaign coffers unlike what happened with HKHP, but you act as if it did. Terribly misleading.
The task force will study the most workable solutions for improving dental health outcomes for children in Multnomah County. It will examine proven community-based strategies that have improved dental health in other cities. Following the findings of the report, the task force will develop a set of recommendations.
"I truly appreciate the willingness to come together, and find a common purpose, in spite of our being on opposite sides of the debate,” said Deutsch. “In the end, we are working toward the same goal, a healthier Portland. I'm thankful for the opportunity to be part of this collaboration."
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