December 9, 2013
Over the past few months, Michael Connett, FAN's Special Projects Director, has been actively working on several big projects that are nearing completion and which we are very excited about. In this bulletin, Michael describes one of these projects, and tomorrow, he'll describe several more.
The Secret History of Fluoride "Science"
In October of this year, I had the opportunity to go through eight large boxes of historic documents that the journalist Chris Bryson amassed for his groundbreaking book The Fluoride Deception (2004). My interest in reviewing the documents was rather specific: to obtain several industry-funded studies on skeletal fluorosis that Bryson cited in his book. (Skeletal fluorosis is a bone disease caused by too much fluoride exposure). While looking for these studies, I found so many interesting documents that I could hardly stop reading. For 6 days, I went page-by-page through the entire collection, identifying those documents I wanted copies of and scanning them into pdf files (over 4,700 pages in total). I have since gone through Bryson's collection a second time and have scanned an additional 1500+ pages.
Paper in the works
I have now carefully read though many of these documents, and am in the process of writing a paper that details the findings of the suppressed industry studies, and how this suppressed research contradicts longstanding safety claims made by industry and government scientists. I believe it is absolutely critical for this information to be made widely available, not only to the scientific community, but to the workers who still inhale toxic levels of fluoride in the workplace, and to the public that may be consuming toxic levels of fluoride in their water and food. In the coming weeks, therefore, I will be submitting my paper for publication, and FAN will be releasing ALL of the documents we've obtained from Bryson's collection (minus any copyrighted material), as well as other documents that we've obtained (and are in the process of obtaining) from other researchers. (More on these other documents below)
There's something wonderful about "freeing" information -- to let it have its rightful influence on public discourse and understanding. The "safety" standards for fluoride (for both industrial workers, and the public at large) have been sustained for so long precisely because critical information has been imprisoned. It's time that people be entrusted with the keys to this information, and that's what FAN intends to do.
In these documents, you will get a front row seat to the scandalous politics that thrust fluoride into the water we drink and the air we breathe. You will see parts of this environmental crime take place before your eyes, and you will meet the people who did it: Robert Kehoe, Harold Hodge, Dudley Irwin, Nicholas Leone, and Frank Seamans to name a few.
There is still more investigative research that needs to be done, and there are almost certainly more buried documents that remain to be unearthed. But any such research should be done with full understanding of what we already know, and for those interested in such research, the Bryson documents (along with Bryson's masterful book) are a must.
How you can get these documents
We will be posting all of these documents on our website, and FAN will also be making them available in a Flash Drive for a donation of $75 during this month's fundraiser. The benefit of getting the Flash Drive is that you don't have to bother downloading all of the individual files, and with the Flash Drive, you'll have the files in a neatly organized folder system. To get a sense of the content and organization of the Drive, I have posted previews here, here, here, and here.
As noted above, the Flash Drive also contains other historic documents that FAN has obtained over the years, some of which we have already posted to our website. These cover (A) the politics behind EPA's safe drinking water standard for fluoride, (B) the FDA's woeful failure to protect the nation from ineffective and dangerous fluoride supplements, and (C) the Harvard/Bone Cancer scandal.
With the FAN Flash Drive, you will have this unique and unprecedented collection of fluoride history in a format that will make it easy to share with others.
We expect to release the flash drive in the last week of December, and will be posting the documents online sometime in January. In the meantime, I will be trying to obtain documents that were missing from Bryson’s collection, as well as some additional documents that Bryson did not have access to at the time of his research. If you live in Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, or Las Vegas and would like to help with this effort, please let me know. The documents are in publicly accessible archives and anyone able to obtain them will get a copy of the completed FAN Flash Drive, as well as a free DVD of our interview with Chris Bryson. If interested, please email me at
Michael Connett, Special Projects Director
Fundraising update from the Fluoride Action Network:
To sustain our work for next year, we are seeking to raise $120,000 from 600 donors by midnight on Dec. 31. As of this midnight this Sunday we have raised $18,111 from 143 donors.
Thanks to one of our generous angels the next $1000 donated will be matched dollar for dollar. In other words, whatever you donate now will be doubled.
If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation – large or small -you can either:
• Donate by using our secure online server.
• Donate by sending a check - payable to Fluoride Action Network – to: FAN, 104 Walnut Street, Binghamton, NY 13905
Remember, a donation of $75 will get you the Flash Drive. You can also choose one of our exciting gifts available at different donation levels.
Please Donate Today
Stuart Cooper, Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network
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