Commission Not Ready To End Fluoridation

KSAL Staff - January 13, 2014
“Salina Cares” is working towards ending fluoridation of the City of Salina public water supply. The group believes that fluoride does more harm than good, and wants the city to immediately stop adding fluoride to the water.
A group hoping to convince Salina City Commissioners to enact legislation that would end fluoridation of the city water supply showed up in force at the city commission meeting Monday evening.
About a dozen members of the group called “Salina Cares” spoke, asking commissioners to end the process of adding fluoride to city water. The group believes that fluoride does more harm than good, and wants the city to immediately stop adding fluoride to the water.
After about an hour of listening to discussion, commissioners were informally polled on their opinion of the issue. Four of the five commissioners indicated that they had no interest in stopping fluoridation of Salina water. Commissioner Kaye Crawford indicated that she had not made up her mind yet on the issue.
Salina Cares indicated that they are prepared to begin a petition campaign to try and bring the issue to the ballot.
City Attorney Greg Bengston cautioned them to consult with legal counsel throughout the process. Bengston said that only legislative issues can brought to a public vote via a petition campaign, and that administrative issues cannot. He said that based on recent Supreme Court case law, there is some question on if this is a legislative or administrative issue.
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Sheryl MusfeltJanuary 14, 2014 at 9:07 am
In China, water fluoridation began in 1965 in the urban area of Guangzhou. It was interrupted during 1976–1978 due to the shortage of sodium silico-fluoride. It was resumed only in the Fangcun district of the city, due to objections, and was halted in 1983. The fluoridation reduced the number of cavities, but increased dental fluorosis; the fluoride levels could have been set too high, and low-quality equipment led to inconsistent, and often excessive, fluoride concentrations.[9] As of 2002, there was no water fluoridation in China.
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Fred HansonJanuary 14, 2014 at 9:12 am
Well whoopie for that information. Maybe when China takes over th USA they will do away with it. Seems to me that Aaron H. has a big rude mouth and someone needs to close it for him. He is the most disrespect person that is holding down a commissioner seat. There have been alot of bad commissioner serving at the same time but I believe this is like a bunch of monkey’s running the zoo.Log in to Reply
Sheryl MusfeltJanuary 14, 2014 at 5:10 pm
New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc.
While other countries may have fluoridated food products which allow freedom of choice, in the US our entire food supply is fluoride “enhanced” because fluoridated tap water is used to make most of the foods we eat from supermarkets and/or restaurants and lots of produce have fluoride-containing pesticide residues on them. But you won’t find this information on the labels.. Some foods contain fluoride naturally such as tea, ocean fish and non-organic grape juice Google the USDA’s fluoride in foods database. There is no dispute that consuming too much fluoride damages bones and teeth. How much fluoride did you consume today? Fluoride overdose symptoms in adults mimic arthritis.
Further, when making long simmering, soups, stews or gravies using fluoridated water, the fluoride concentration can reach 5 ppm or 5 milligrams per quart – above the level the EPA claims is safe when found as a contaminant in public water supplies. (However, a 2006 EPA-ignored report they commissioned from the National Research Council says science tells us even 4 ppm is NOT safe)
Also, the US doesn’t allow fluoridated toothpaste to claim it’s a cavity preventive unless it contains 1,000 or more ppm fluoride. In European countries, children’s toothpaste can be sold at much lower concentrations
Despite almost 70 years of fluoridation American faces a dental health crisis. Over a quarter (28%) of US 2-5 year-olds have tooth decay – a 15% jump from a decade earlier Fluoridation even fails the poor – 48% of preschoolers from low-income households experienced tooth decay and 35% had untreated cavities (compared to 11.4% and 6% of preschoolers from higher income households, respectively)
An astounding 44% of all five-year-olds have cavities
To compare, only 25% of England’s five-year-olds have cavities yet, only 11% of England’s water supplies are fluoridated and children’s toothpaste is sold at half the fluoride concentration of US brands.
The US lags behind 10 other, mostly non-fluoridated, peer countries in cavity rates, according to WHO statistics. And, a state of decay flourishes among older Americans, according to a report by Oral Health America.
Nearly 9,500 new dental providers are needed to meet the country’s current oral health
needs, according to a report by US Senator Bernie Sanders (Dental Crisis in America
February 2012)
Opponents of fluoride present petition to city Tuesday, January 14, 2014 -
Commissioners hear from fluoridation opponents
By MICHAEL STRAND | Monday, January 13, 2014 - *(7 comments on this article)
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