March 5, 2014
Before we update you on the latest fluoride-free victories, alerts, and news we would like to invite you to follow us on Twitter and “like” FAN’s Facebook page. We currently have more than 40,000 Facebook friends who use our page to get daily updates and to interact with fellow supporters from around the world. Please join today!
Recent Fluoride-Free Victories:
Hernando County, Florida – County Commissioners rejected a proposal to fluoridate the drinking water for the entire county (more than 60,000 people) after hearing presentations from local citizens and health officials on both sides of the issue. A vast majority of those presentations were from residents who opposed the practice, with the primary proponent being retired dentist and pro-fluoridation radical, Johnny Johnson, who made the initial request for the introduction of the proposal. The Tampa Bay Times, which is known for printing incorrect and misleading information about fluoridation, is now attacking the commissioners for their vote, just as they did to officials in Brooksville and Pinellas County.
New South Wales, Australia – State legislators killed a bill that would have forced all communities within the state to fluoridate drinking water despite public opposition to the practice. The Labor Party introduced the legislation at the request of state health officials after local councils started voting against fluoridation, and others started debating whether to end the practice.
Quick Campaign Alerts:
Councilors in Owen Sound, Ontario will be holding a second public hearing to consider ending fluoridation and whether they should put the question to a citizen vote on the next ballot.
A well-funded campaign has been launched in Hartford, Vermont to force the local water board to implement fluoridation.
The Water Authority in Albuquerque, New Mexico is considering a proposal to increase fluoride levels from 0.5 to 0.7ppm. There is a town hall meeting scheduled for April 10 and a tentative vote scheduled for April 23.
Residents in Forsyth, Missouri will be getting a ballot question on fluoridation sent to them as part of a newsletter. The Aldermen will consider the results at their April meeting.
Do you have an upcoming hearing or vote on fluoridation in your town, region, or state? Let FAN know and we will share it with FAN supporters in your area. Just email the details to
Lancet IQ Article & Kansas Legislation
An article was published in the March 2014 Journal Lancet Neurology in which medical authorities newly classified fluoride as a developmental neurotoxin. The prominent peer-reviewed medical journal published the article entitled “Neurobehavioral effects of developmental toxicity.” The authors point out that 27 studies of children exposed to fluoride in drinking water found an average lowering of IQ by seven points; twice that of the effects of secondhand smoke on children.
See FAN’s Press Release on the Lancet Article
The Lancet article has been covered in news stories throughout the U.S., but such an important development needs to be seen by as many as possible. Please use our automated system to send a letter-to-the-editor to your local newspapers about fluoride’s impact on IQ:
Spread the News, Send a Letter
Meanwhile, the Kansas legislature is currently considering a bill to require that warning statements are sent to consumers in fluoridated communities notifying them that “ingesting fluoride lowers I.Q in children.” Mark Gietzen, of the Kansas Republican Assembly, has spearheaded the campaign in support of the legislation. A public hearing was held that included favorable testimony from Dr. Yolanda Whyte, Dr. Charles Hinshaw, and FAN’s Special Projects Director Michael Connett. The House Health and Human Services Committee voted to table the bill after the hearing rather then kill it, creating an opportunity to gather more support before the deadline for action. Introduction of a similar bill is also being considered in the Senate.
International Fluoride-Free Teleconference
The next International Fluoride-Free Teleconference will be held on at 2pm (Pacific Time) on Sunday, March 9. It will feature a presentation by the Center for Self-Government, an educational non-profit in Tennessee that teaches community activism strategy and tactics. The emphasis will be on improving your political influence on local and state fluoride policy.
Click Here to Register & Learn More
The February teleconference was on infant exposure to fluoride and how citizens can take action to implement infant fluoride warnings in their communities. The call featured presentations from Bill Osmunson, DDS, David Kennedy, DDS, and myself (FAN’s Campaign Director). If you missed the call you can access the audio and accompanying materials by clicking here. You can also learn how to start your own infant warning campaign using FAN’s comprehensive resources.
Stuart Cooper,
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network
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