Sunday, November 10, 2013

1.) Are you kidding me?? Superbugs and no antibiotics??? 2.) Hey, did you know baking soda can cure cancer and other health problems?? 3.) Remember the UK gets to have REAL food ingredients in McDonald fries/Kraft Macaroni & Cheese/Oatmeal cereal, because they have banned GMOs, but those same foods in the USA have dangerous toxins and chemicals---not even potatoes in the McDonald french fries!!! Well, here we go again--check out what is in your favorite cereal, EVEN the organic cereals!!!! 4.) The doctor says to eat your broccoli - and gives 5+ reasons what it can do!!

The Age of Antibiotics is Coming to an End, as Wider Variety of Bacteria are Now Impervious (Watch Videos - 2 of the 3 videos does not allow for embedding)
November 09, 2013

Story at-a-glance

  • The antibiotic pipeline is running dry as an increasing number of superbugs are outsmarting our antibiotics; we are on the tip of the end of the antibiotic age, which will change modern medicine as we know it
  • The CDC estimates that at least 23,000 Americans die each year as a direct result of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, with many more dying from complications; we presently have no tracking system for these infections
  • Of particular concern are bacteria possessing the NDM-1 gene which allows them to transfer their antibiotic immunity to your normal bacteria, thereby transforming ordinary bacteria into superbugs
  • Drug companies are no longer interested in developing antibiotics because they are not as profitable as other, more expensive drugs that can be given to people indefinitely, rather than for just two weeks
  • The most significant driver of this problem is the massive overuse of antibiotics by the agricultural industry, which administers 24.6 million pounds of antibiotics to livestock every year for non-medical purposes
The 18 Most-Dangerous Pathogens of 2013
Armed and Extremely Dangerous: NDM-1 and KPC
How the Modern Food System has Created an Unbeatable “Army” of  Superbugs
Is Tainted Meat the “New Normal”?
Big Pharma is Washing its Hands of the Crisis it Helped to Create
Visions of a Post Antibiotic-Apocalypse
So What’s the Solution?

Sodium bicarbonate therapy cures cancer
November 9, 2013 by

Processed cereals found to be neurotoxic
November 8, 2013 by Jonathan Landsman

Vaccination During Pregnancy: Is It Safe?
November 10, 2013 |

In 2006, the CDC strengthened recommendations that all pregnant women, healthy or not, should get a flu shot in any trimester. As of 2011, a pertussis-containing Tdap shot is also recommended for all pregnant women
  • The time-honored rule of avoiding any potential toxic exposure that might interfere with the normal development of the fetus has been suspended and replaced with an assumption that vaccination during pregnancy is safe
  • There’s absolutely NO sound science backing the assumption that vaccination during pregnancy is safe. On the contrary, there is a lack of available science and testing in this area.


    Eat Your Broccoli
    November 09, 2013  (gives detailed 5+ reasons why!)
    (in this article Dr. Mercola gives a weblink that gives step-by-step instructions on how to sprout food that takes less time than doing it in the old-fashioned way with Ball glass jars.  Here is the weblink:)

    Raw Food Diet Information - Are you starting a raw food diet? Planning a raw food detox?
    After a little fresh inspiration?

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