Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Quotes from dentists who used to support fluoride -- and more about fast food's toxic chemicals ...

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Hundreds of brave dentists speak out against water fluoridation

 But what is often missing from reports about anti-fluoridation efforts is the fact that many medical professionals, including dentists, are also in agreement that fluoride ingestion is dangerous. In other words, these are not just concerned citizens without medical degrees that are raising an issue, but they are people that have been extensively educated in oral health.
“When I graduated from University, we weren’t given any information about where [fluoride] came from,” says Dentist Caree Alexander, a former Navy practitioner who also had a private dental practice for 20 years, in the documentaryFIRE WATER: Australia’s Industrial Fluoridation Disgrace. “We all assumed it was [pharmaceutical-grade] calcium fluoride.”
You can watch the official full-length documentary for free at:
Other prominent dentists that have spoken out against fluoride include Dr. Thomas Connelly from New York City; Dr. Andrew Harms, former president of the Australian Dental Association; Dentist Hardy Limeback, PhD, from the University of Toronto’s Department of Preventive Dentistry; Dentist Bill Osmunson from the Fluoride Action Network (FAN); and Dentist David Kennedy from the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT), just to name a few.
“My [published] work showed that fluoride accumulates in the human pineal gland and lowers melatonin production in animals,” says Dentist Jennifer Luke, PhD. “I find it extraordinary that no government promoting fluoridation has chosen to pursue these worrying findings.”

Subway to Remove Shoe Leather Chemical from Their Bread

February 19, 2014 

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