Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Remember this headline from October 11, 2011?

(1994 DSHEA)"FDA is willfully and grossly misinterpreting.."

The comment period ends December 2, so act quickly and feel free to borrow from our submission. And be sure to keep an eye out for further developments in this critical campaign.  The Citizens for Health Team

Here's a blog report from "Sandy's Insights" that I found today that gives further developments:
"Daniel Fabricant, FDA Director for Division of Dietary Supplement Programs, asked this question at last week's comment period webinar..., 'What kind of legacy (it) wants to have—one with unsafe products on the market with the potential to harm consumers, or one that is compliant with the law?'...
"From what Fabricant said during the webinar (check out the full press coverage here), it seems FDA isn't going to budge on a lot of the points industry took issue with in comments filed. Fabricant referred to, and read directly from, DSHEA more than once. He said the plain reading of the statue shows NDINs are for supplements, not ingredients...

"As I noted in my last blog, from here, industry is stuck waiting to see what FDA's next move it (sic), unless a company wants to try to challenge the Draft Guidance in court. But issues of standing could be problem. Now, we twiddle our thumbs and hope FDA can be persuaded by comments submitted by industry. Time will tell."

In spite of the FDA's prior argument, that of being concerned about ingredients, now the FDA director is changing it to being in reference to supplements instead of ingredients.  What ideas do you have that we all need to be doing to protect DSHEA? 

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