Sunday, September 22, 2013

Videos - Plants affecting our Health - plus an update on flu vaccine - how to prevent and repair Alzheimer's brain damage

High-Performance Agriculture Can Increase Your Garden Yield Eight-Fold
Sept. 22, 2013
"...John Kempf, an Amish farmer, is one of the leaders in the field of high-performance agriculture. He has taken a leadership role—somewhat similar to the way I have in natural medicine—in teaching people how to achieve these results. He’s the founder and CEO of Advancing Eco Agriculture,1 and runs an organic, high-performance farm in Ohio.
The results you can achieve when you apply the principles he teaches are truly astounding. As Kempf says:
“You have to have different expectations and you have to begin managing your crops differently. For example, when you are expecting to produce 60 to 70 pounds of tomatoes per plant, you no longer plant the plants 12 inches apart.
That doesn’t work logistically. You have to begin spacing tomato plants two and a half to three feet apart. But all of a sudden, you only need three tomato plants instead of 36!” ...

Documentary: Numen

Why you should avoid taking the seasonal flu vaccine

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Learn more:

Beat Alzheimer’s disease naturally
September 20, 2013 by   

1 comment:

  1. Healthcare administration itself is projected to grow at a faster than average pace and the employment of healthcare administrators and managers is expected to grow 16 percent by 2018. qdoba gestational diabetes
