Saturday, June 16, 2012

Whaaaat? CDC has no evidence fluoride benefits infants?

June 15, 2012:  "(NaturalNews) In a letter to California senator Barbara Boxer the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) director Thomas Frieden responded to questions about fluoride and infants. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) in 1997 set the adequate amount of fluoride for infants 0 to 6 months of age at .01 milligrams per day, which is the amount of fluoride found in breast milk. The CDC was asked if more fluoride than the adequate amount was beneficial. CDC director Frieden wrote 'We are unaware of data that directly answers your questions about the additional protection from tooth decay that could result from greater daily fluoride intake by infants, 0-6 months of age.' In other words, there is no scientific evidence that dosing babies with lots of fluoride has any benefit at all. "
Also, see the video of Dr. Stan Monteith on the same website page:
The Hidden Agenda -The Fluoride Deception -Dr. Stanley Moneith 1/3

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